Hilbert Spaces
We call an inner product space complete if its underlying vector space is complete with respect to the induced norm, that is, a Banach space.
Definition (Hilbert Space)
A Hilbert space is a complete inner product space.
Example are Hilbert spaces, is not
Every nonempty closed convex subset of a Hilbert space has the nearest point property.
In other words, if is a Hilbert space, is nonempty, closed and convex, and is a point in , then there exists a unique point such that
Proof TODO
Recall that a linear mapping on a vecor space is called a projection if . It is called an orhogonal projection if for all (or, equivalently, ).
The range of an orthogonal projection is a closed linear subspace.
Orthogonal Projection Theorem
Suppose is a closed linear subspace of an inner product space . The mapping , which assigns each to its nearest point in , is an orhogonal projection with range , called the orhogonal projection onto If , then . Otherwise .
The mapping describes a 1-1 correspondence between the closed linear subspaces of and the orhogonal projections in .
- theorem about complements