Theorem (Multiplication Operator) Let (X,A,μ) be a σ-finite measure space. For any φ∈L∞(X,A,μ), the multiplication operator Mφ, defined on the Hilbert space L2(X,A,μ) by Mφf=φf, is a bounded linear operator of norm ∥Mφ∥=∥φ∥∞.
Theorem (Multiplication Operator)
Let (X,A,μ) be a σ-finite measure space. For any φ∈L∞(X,A,μ), the multiplication operator Mφ, defined on the Hilbert space L2(X,A,μ) by Mφf=φf, is a bounded linear operator of norm ∥Mφ∥=∥φ∥∞.