Metric Spaces

Definition (Metric, Metric Space)

A metric (or distance function) on a set is a mapping with the properties
(M1) (point separation)
(M2) (symmetry)
(M3) (triangle inequality)
We say that is the distance between and .
A metric space is a pair consisting of a set and a metric on .

Setting in (M3) and applying (M1) & (M2) gives us , hence . This nonnegativity of the metric is often part of the definition.

Relaxing (M1) to the condition leads to the notion of a semi-metric and that of a semi-metric space. Nonnegativity still follows as shown above.

Pseudo-metric is usually a synonym for semi-metric.

Quasi-metric refers to dropping (M2).

An ultrametric satisfies in place of (M3) the stronger condition .

Definition (Metric Subspace)

A metric subspace of a metric space is a pair where is a subset of and is the restriction of to .

Clearly, a metric subspace of a metric space is itself a metric space.

Let be a (semi-)metric space.

  • For all we have the inverse triangle inequality

  • For all we have the quadrilateral inequality

The proofs are straightforward.

Definition (Isometry)

Suppose and are metric spaces. We say that a mapping is isometric or an isometry if it obeys for all .

As a consequence of (M1), every isometry is injective.


  • metric induced by a norm
  • metric product

Definition (Diameter)

The diameter of a subset of a metric space is the number

Note that iff , and iff is a singleton set.

Definition (Distance)

Suppose is a metric space. The distance from a point to a subset is

Note that iff .

Definition (Convergence, Limit, Divergence)

Let be a metric space. A sequence in is said to converge to a point , if

In this case, we call a limit (point) of the sequence. Symbolically this is expressed by

or by saying that as .

We call a sequence in convergent if it converges to some point of and divergent otherwise.

For a semi-metric space the definition remains the same. However, the notation can be misleading, because there might be more than one limit point.

A sequence in a metric space has at most one limit.

In other words: The limit of a convergent sequence in a metric space is unique.

Proof   Let be a convergent sequence in a metric space with limit point . If is another limit point of , then for all by (M3). Given , there exist natural numbers and such that for all and for all . Both hold, if is large enough ( to be precise). It follows that . Since was arbitrary, . Therefore, by (M1).

A semi-metric space is a metric space if and only if every sequence in has at most one limit.

Let and be metric spaces. A mapping is called

  • continuous at a point if

  • continuous if it is continuous at every point of , that is

  • uniformly continuous if

  • Lipschitz continuous if

Definition (Open Ball, Closed Ball, Sphere)

Suppose is a metric space. The open ball with center and radius is the set

The closed ball with center and radius is the set

The sphere with center and radius is the set

Observe that .

Definition (Open Subset of a Metric Space)

A subset of a metric space is called open if for every point there exists an such that .

Proposition (Metric Topology)

Let be a metric space. The collection of open subsets of forms a topology on . This topology is called the metric topology on induced by .

  • Open balls in a metric space are open with respect to the metric topology.
  • Closed balls in a metric space are closed with respect to the metric topology.
  • The boundary (with respect to the metric topology) of an open or closed ball is the sphere with the same center and radius. Not true!!!!
  • The collection of open balls in a metric space forms a basis of the metric topology.

Complete Metric Spaces

  • Definition
  • Banach Fixed-Point Theorem
  • Baire
  • Metric Completion