
Definition (State, State Space)

A normalized positive linear functional on a C*-algebra is called a state.
The state space of a C*-algebra is the set of all its states.

Note that is a subset of the closed unit ball in the dual space of .

A linear functional on a C*-algebra is a state if and only if .

The state space of a C*-algebra is convex and weak* compact.

Proof   Let be a C*-algebra and let be its state space. First, we show convexity. Let be states on and let . Consider the convex combination . Clearly, is linear and . By the triangle inequality, . It follows from the lemma above that lies in . This proves that is convex.

Next we show weak* compactness. Since is contained in the closed unit ball in the dual of , which is weak* compact by the Banach–Alaoglu Theorem, it will suffice to show that is weak* closed. Let be a net of states that weak* converges to some bounded linear functional on . This means that for every . For all we have for and ; hence for and . Thus, is again a state. This shows that the state space is weak* closed, completing the proof.

TODO: state space is nonempty

Definition (Pure State)

We say that a state of a C*-algebra is pure if it is an extreme point of the state space .
The set of pure states of is denoted by .