Convergence Theorems
For all statements on this page, assume that is a measure space.
Monotone Convergence Theorem
For each let be a measurable function. If almost everywhere, then
Note that the pointwise limit always exists and is measurable by this proposition.
Fatou’s Lemma
For each let be a nonnegative measurable function. Then
In the following proof we omit and for visual clarity.
Proof By definition, we have , where . Now is a monotonic sequence of nonnegative measurable functions. By the Monotone Convergence Theorem
For all one has , hence by the monotonicity of the integral. This implies
for all . In the limit we obtain
thereby completing the proof.
Dominated Convergence Theorem
Let be a measure space. For each let (or ) be a measurable function. Suppose that the pointwise limit exists almost everywhere. Suppose further that there exists an integrable function such that almost everywhere for all . Then the functions and are all integrable, and
Proof TODO